Ginger and Nuts
Angela | Uses for Ginger Kat Y (Ginge)
Ginger is a useful plant and so easy to grow; you can buy a root from your supermarket, cut it into pieces a couple of inches in length, soak the pieces overnight and then lay them on top of moist compost in pots to grow!
Try to pick a nice, healthy-looking root with a few horn-like nodules on it; these are the eyes from where the ginger will sprout. Ideally, each section you plant should have at least two or more of them.
Ginger is so tasty and can be used in many different dishes, from curries to cakes, but it also has other uses in the garden, like helping to control pests and acting as a fertiliser naturally!
So, it really earns it’s keep in the garden.
To make a cheap, natural, organic fertiliser and pest control from ginger, grate 2 ounces of fresh root ginger, place that into a pot, add four cups of water and bring to a boil. Simmer for five minutes and then leave to steep for at least ten minutes until cool.
Then strain and pour the ginger water into a sealable container and leave in the fridge.
When you next water your garden add a cup of the ginger water to a watering can and top up with plain water, then water around the base of your plants to feed the roots.
You can also use ginger water as an organic and safe deterrent for pests, dilute one part ginger water to five parts plain water and using a spray bottle, spray over your plants and vegetables.
So, as you can see, Ginger is both a very tasty and useful plant, and it’s been proven to be very good for you, particularly for digestion and the immune system.
Personally, I love making a nice mug of ginger, lemon and honey tea, using a teaspoon of grated ginger, a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey, brewed in a mug of boiling water for five minutes…it’s a delicious way to unwind!
Written by: Kat Y (Ginge)
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