Ginger and Nuts
Angela | Soda Bread Kat Y (Ginge)
This week, I thought I’d sing you the praises of Irish Soda bread!
And give you the recipe so that you can make some for yourself!
My late mum was always making Irish Soda Bread when I was young, and the delicious smell of it would waft around the house.
It’s really good for you, and if you’re usually put off making bread because it means using yeast and having to spend quite a bit of time proving the dough twice, then this recipe is for you as it doesn’t contain ANY yeast, and it doesn’t need ANY proving!…
or… kneading!
So it is very quick and easy to make!
The levening or rising is provided by the baking soda and the buttermilk, or yoghurt, instead of yeast.
And as it’s a slightly denser bread, I find it helps keep you feeling full for longer.
It’s so tasty with just a simple slathering of butter on it!
But it also goes ‘really’ well with a hearty soup or stew!
And it’s PERFECT with some delicious slices of cheese and a nice glass of Guinness!
Personally, I love a slice of soda bread toasted and topped with some baked beans!
Also, for those who suffer from bloating after eating bread containing yeast, this soda bread is just the thing!
So, to bake Irish Soda bread, first, find a baking sheet and heat your oven to 200 degrees.
And here are the ingredients…
And this is what you do…
…it couldn’t be easier!
Place the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix to combine them, then add the buttermilk or, if you don’t have any, some plain yoghurt, followed by the water.
And start mixing; first with a spatula then finish off with your lightly floured hands to form a soft dough.
All you do now is shape the dough into a ball, add a dusting of flour if needed and place it on the baking sheet.
Then, with a sharp serrated knife, slice a third of the way through the loaf across one way…and then do the same across the other way, making a cut cross, which will form the loaf into four crusty sections.
Dust with flour and bake straightaway in the centre of the oven for 40 minutes, then take out and cool on a wire rack.
This bread has a wonderful crust when eaten fresh, and the next day, it will stay beautifully moist and make super toast.
Now, This recipe is for the ‘Classic’ Irish Soda bread, but if you wish, you can change the basic recipe in lots of ways; for instance, you can add an egg to the dough to enrich it or chopped rosemary and seeds, or a handful of raisins, you could also add a topping of oats or grated cheese if you like?
Written by: Kat Y (Ginge)
Baking Irish Soda Bread recipe recipes
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