Ginger and Nuts
Angela steals the show on the Ginger and Nuts Show by sharing amazing tips, with this week’s topic being New Year Resolutions.
Angela-Top Tops Ginger and Nuts
As it’s the last show before the New Year, I wish all your lovely listeners a happy and healthy New Year, and I hope 2024 will be a kind one to us all.
New Year is traditionally a time when people make New Year’s resolutions. So, if you’re looking for a new year, it’s good at any time of year to take stock of our lives and make plans to change things that we would like to improve. But at the start of a new year, it also feels like we are given a clean sheet and a chance to make a new start. However, the majority of these resolutions end up failing. Some statistics say even up to 90%. So, bear a couple of things in mind if you decide to make a resolution to help you make a new year.
Remember, if you decide to make a resolution, you wish to keep. Maybe stick to making one resolution rather than a few. Make it a realistic, achievable resolution.
If you want to make bigger changes, perhaps write out a plan first on how you will do so. And maybe also keep a resolution diary throughout the coming year.
If you are going through a rough patch or you already have a lot of pressure in your life, then perhaps now is not the right time to make a resolution. Setting yourself goals you don’t have time to aim for properly also sets you up for failure.
Remember that you can set yourself goals and make life changes at any time of year when you are ready to do so.
As one year ends and another starts, think of something, anything, that you have achieved, however small and congratulate yourself on it. Even just making it through another year and celebrating that.
So, stay safe over the New Year celebrations and be kind.
Love Angela xx
Written by: Kat Y (Ginge)
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