Ginger and Nuts
Intervew | Let Loose Ginger and Nuts
Known for an impressive cache of seven UK top-40 hits, including the chart-topping smash “Crazy For You” (now a nostalgic 30-year-old classic), the band had long resisted calls for a reunion. But the stars have finally aligned, and the time felt oh-so-right for the group’s triumphant comeback.
Anchoring Let Loose are the dynamic duo of Lee and Rob, the core creative forces behind the band’s infectious sound. Now joining them is a fresh face – the one and only Matthew James Pateman. A chart-topping sensation in his own right during the 90s as part of Bad Boys Inc., Matt steps in to replace the retired original front vocalist Richie Wermerling.
We sat down with the newly reunited Let Loose to get the scoop on their eagerly anticipated return to the spotlight. Joining the conversation is our regular Music Reviewer, Diana Cavazos Woloszyk from Chicago.
Prepare to be delighted as we dive into this must-listen interview!
Written by: Kat Y (Ginge)
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