Ginger and Nuts
Over the next few months, prepare for some fresh and fun additions to your favourite radio show, Ginger and Nuts. The dynamic duo has been listening to their loyal listeners and can’t wait to roll out these exciting new features!
They’ve already introduced a few favourites, like “Ginge’s Double Whammy,” “The Funniest Two Minutes of the Week,” and “Rub a Dub Dub, Name That Tune from the Tub.”
And that’s not all – “Diana’s Music Review” is getting even snappier, clocking in at under 5 minutes to keep you engaged. But don’t worry; you can still access the full, unedited version on the Ginger and Nuts website.
Another change is that Angela’s Top Tips will now be a fortnightly feature, packed into a bite-sized 3 minutes, so you won’t lose interest.
But wait, there’s more! The Ginger and Nuts team is brimming with excitement to bring you even more entertaining features in the months ahead, including some extraordinary interviews you won’t want to miss.
So, stay tuned for all the fun and engaging updates coming your way.
If you have any ideas, feel free to drop us a message.
Written by: Kat Y (Ginge)
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