Ginger and Nuts
Angela, the renowned expert in home hacks and creative solutions, recently shared her invaluable advice on the popular Ginger and Nuts show. This week, she revealed a quick and simple trick to tackle the stubborn burnt-on grime that plagues the insides of our ovens.
During the festive period, many households experienced a relentless onslaught on their ovens, with numerous roast dinners and festive treats. As a result, Angela’s genius method for cleaning oven shelves became a much-needed solution.
In her enlightening feature, Angela emphasised the convenience, affordability, and environmental friendliness of her cleaning method. With just a few readily available items, you can say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a green alternative that contributes to the well-being of our planet.
For this straightforward cleaning hack, you’ll only need a few things. If you’re fortunate enough to possess a spacious or old-fashioned sink that can accommodate your oven shelves, that’s fantastic. Otherwise, a rectangular plastic bowl, large enough to fit your shelves, will also serve its purpose.
Gather 2-3 cups of washing soda, depending on the size of your sink, a thick cleaning cloth, and enough hot water to submerge the oven shelves. That’s all you need to get started!
Once you have everything ready, place the washing soda into your sink or washing-up bowl, carefully lowering your oven shelves into it. Fill the sink or bowl with hot water, ensuring the shelves are fully covered. Now, all you need to do is let them soak overnight and let the magic happen.
As you lift the shelves out of the water the following day, you’ll immediately notice the remarkable transformation. The previously caked-on grime will have dissolved overnight, evident from the colour of the water. Armed with a cloth, gently wipe away any remaining residue until your shelves are gleaming with cleanliness and shine again.
Voila! Cleaning your oven has never been easier or more eco-friendly. With Angela’s ingenious technique, you can bid farewell to nasty chemicals, embrace a green alternative, and revel in the joy of a sparkling oven that’s as good as new.
So the next time you find yourself facing the daunting task of cleaning off that burnt-on grime, remember Angela’s top tip. By following her quick and budget-friendly approach, not only will your oven be impeccably clean, but you’ll also be doing your part in preserving our beloved planet.
Written by: Kat Y (Ginge)
cleaning Hacks Oven Cleaning Top Tips
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